Voici le matériel de type "2.5- capteurs position (GPS, boussole,accéléro...)" actuellement disponible au Téléfab :
3-Axis Digital Accelerometer (accéleromètre) -Grove -
http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/Grove-3Axis-Digital-Accelerometer15g-p-765.html http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/index.php?title=Twig_-_I2C_3-axis_Accelerometer This 3-axis Accelerometer module is based on MMA7660FC with Digital Output I2C. This Module can be used for sensing data changes, product orientation, and gesture detection through an interrupt pin (INT).It is a very low power, low profile capacitive MEMS sensor. Features Grove compatible interface 3 axis motion/orientation sensing Digital Output (I2C) 10,000 g shock survival RoHS/WEEE lead-free compliant 5VDC input Application Ideas Motion Detection of Robot Mobile Phone/ PMP/PDA: Orientation Detection (Portrait/Landscape),Image Stability, Text Scroll, Motion Dialing, Tap to Mute For all Grove users (especially beginners), we provide you guidance PDF documents.
Emplacement : A3 - Servante capteur Position
Constructeur : SeedStudio
Datasheet : Télécharger
Plus d'infos : http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/Grove-3Axis-Digital-Accelerometer15g-p-765.html
Quantité : 3 (disponible : 3)
Module permettant la détection de mouvement du module dans l'espace
Emplacement : armoire A3, servante, tiroir "POSITION"
Constructeur : SparkFun
Référence : ADXL335
Plus d'infos : https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9269
Quantité : 2 (disponible : 2)
Capteur d'angle magnéto-résistif
747H 0712
Emplacement : A3 - Servante "Position"
Constructeur : Sensitec
Référence : AA747AHA-LB
Datasheet : Télécharger
Quantité : 10 (disponible : 10)
Capteur d'inclinaison - Tilt Grove
capteur permettant de détecter que le module est incliné (autour d'un axe).
Emplacement : armoire A3, servante, tiroir "POSITION"
Constructeur : SeedStudio
Référence : Tilt v1.0
Quantité : 13 (disponible : 13)
Capteur d'orientation RPI-1031
Tilt-a-Whirl Breakout
Emplacement : A3 - Servante "Position"
Constructeur : SparkFun
Référence : SEN-10621
Datasheet : Télécharger
Plus d'infos : https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10621
Quantité : 2 (disponible : 2)
Capteur Grove GPS
Module GPS Grove 113020003 Ce module GPS économique compatible Grove permet de connaître votre position en temps réel. Il communique avec le microcontrôleur (Arduino ou Seeeduino) via un port série
Emplacement : A3 - servante capteurs
Constructeur : SeedStudio
Quantité : 1 (disponible : 1)
GPS with SMA Connector
capteur permettant de localiser géographiquement le module. (antenne non fournie) This is the latest version of our Venus GPS board; the smallest, most powerful, and most versatile GPS receiver we carry. It’s based on the Venus638FLPx, the successor to the Venus634LPx. The Venus638FLPx outputs standard NMEA-0183 or SkyTraq Binary sentences at a default rate of 9600bps (adjustable to 115200bps), with update rates up to 20Hz! The Venus638FLPx also allows for limited on-chip logging (check out the firmware below), as well as external logging using a SPI flash memory chip (not included). This board includes a SMA connector to attach an external antenna, headers for 3.3V serial data, NAV (lock) indication, Pulse-Per-Second output, and external Flash support. We’ve also provided solder jumpers to easily configure the power consumption, boot memory, and backup supply. This board requires a regulated 3.3V supply to operate; at full power the board uses up to 90mA, at reduced power it requires up to 60mA. We’ve made it easy to connect an external battery or super capacitor to the board, to support very fast restarts after power is removed. There are even pads on the bottom of the board for the 0.2F supercap (not included but you can find it in the related items below), which will keep the board hot-startable for up to 7 hours without power! Not sure which GPS module is right for you? Check out our GPS Buying Guide!
Emplacement : armoire A3, servante, tiroir "POSITION"
Constructeur : SparkFun
Référence : Venus GPS
Plus d'infos : https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11058
Quantité : 2 (disponible : 2)
Gyroscope électronique permettant de détecter l'orientation du module dans l'espace
Emplacement : armoire A3, servante, tiroir "POSITION"*
Constructeur : SparkFun
Référence : ITG-3200
Plus d'infos : https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11977
Quantité : 1 (disponible : 1)
Module Accéléromètre+Gyroscope+Boussole
capteur permettant à la fois de capter l'inclinaison, l'orientation, et le mouvement du module. The SparkFun 9DOF MPU-9150 is the world’s first 9-axis MotionTracking MEMS device designed for the low power, low cost, and high performance requirements of consumer electronics equipment including smartphones, tablets and wearable sensors. And guess what? You get to play with it. This breakout board makes it easy to prototype with the InvenSense MPU-9150 by breaking out all the pins you need to standard 0.1" spaced headers. The board also provides I2C pullup resistors and a solder jumper to switch the I2C address of the device. The MPU-9150 is a System in Package (SiP) that combines two chips: the MPU-6050, which contains a 3-axis gyroscope, and 3-axis accelerometer. The part is offered in a 4x4x1mm LGA package and is upgrade-compatible with the MPU-6050 integrated 6-axis MotionTracking device, providing a simple upgrade path and making it easy to fit on space constrained boards.
Emplacement : armoire A3, servante, tiroir "POSITION"
Constructeur : SparkFun
Référence : MPU-9150
Plus d'infos : https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/11486
Quantité : 5 (disponible : 5)
Module Gyroscope+Boussole
module comportant un gyroscope et une boussole dont les erreurs sont compensées.
Emplacement : armoire A3, servante, tiroir "POSITION"
Constructeur : SparkFun
Référence : LSM303
Plus d'infos : https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/9810
Quantité : 2 (disponible : 2)
Triple Axis Magnetometer Breakout - HMC5883L
This is a breakout board for Honeywell’s HMC5883L, a 3-axis digital compass. Communication with the HMC5883L is simple and all done through an I2C interface. There is no on-board regulator, so a regulated voltage of 2.16-3.6VDC should be supplied. The breakout board includes the HMC5883L sensor and all filtering capacitors as shown. The power and 2-wire interface pins are all broken out to a 0.1" pitch header.
Emplacement : A3, petit tiroir
Constructeur : SparkFun
Référence : SEN-10530
Plus d'infos : https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10530
Quantité : 1 (disponible : 1)